
"Si la mujer no es libre para ser realmente una mujer, el hombre nunca será libre para ser realmente un hombre. El hombre necesita la liberación tanto como la mujer, ambos necesitan liberarse y deberían cooperarse mutuamente y ayudar a que el otro se libere". -Osho-


From dehumanization
to arms production,
for benefit of the nation
or its destrution,

Power, power,
the law of the land,

Those living for death
will die by their own hand,

Life's no ordeal
if you come to terms
reject the system
dictating the norms from dehumanization
to arms producction,

To hasten the nation towards
its destruction

Power, power,
the law of the land,
Those living for death
will die by their own hand,

Life's no ordeal
if you come to terms

reject the system
dictating the norms
From dehumanization
to arms procuction,

to hasten the nation towards
its destruction
Power, power, the law of the land,
those living for death
will die by their own hand,

life´s no ordeal if you come to terms,

the system
dictating the norms
From dehumanization
to arms production,

to hasten this nation towards
its destruction, its your choice,
your choice, your choice, your choice,

or annihilation

A Perfect Circle
Annihilation - Emotive


Nuestra madre tierra es un ser vivo al que debemos amar y respetar.


No es indicio de salud, el estar bien adaptado a una sociedad enferma...